ping pong anyone ?
to the sweetest and funniest girl i’ve ever known. it’s so hard for me believe that little wilma is NINE. it seems like just this morning when she could sit in the palm of my hand. she was 7 weeks old when we met and we have had so many adventures together. stay tuned for her book: WILMA’S WORLD, good advice from a good dog (published by chronicle books) which will be out MARCH 2015. i can’t wait to share more details and actual pages from the book with you. we are very excited. VERY. EXCITED !
how many charlee bears can YOU balance on YOUR face ? i figure the more i can balance, the more i get to eat. it’s a WIN-WIN. burp.
WOOO HOOOOOOOOOO ! the first set of colored proofs of WILMA’S WORLD (the book) have arrived for me to review ! it is SO exciting. wilma’s world is REALLY coming to LIFE ! the actual book will be out MARCH 2015. follow wilma HERE . . . she will be giving away free signed copies !
my mom is coming home from FRANCE soon and i might have gained a pound, or two. time to lighten up on the bacon . . . just a little.
(photo by laura flippen)
this is a SUPER SNEAK PEEK at the introduction pages of our book WILMA’S WORLD (published by chronicle books) ! the book is almost finished and i am very pleased at how it is looking. the book will be out SPRING 2015. you can follow wilma on instagram, facebook, and her blog. once the book is out, she will be giving away free signed copies of the book on these venues. WOOF.
site by myhreco