in antibes, fresh off the boat.
my favorite tree is the olive tree. look at these beautiful petit dwarf olive trees i saw in antibes.
12 june 2014
vallauris, france
my work was much about the bottle this year. i made bottles out of clay, and i made a sketchbook called “étude de bouteilles” where i drew + painted a series of quick bottle sketches.
it’s time to set up our show in france. i’m hanging a wall of cutlery.
though some day, i hope to have a show that is THIS austere.
i had an epic sunday. i went to the beautiful island off of cannes called ILE SAINT HONORAT. it was truly an amazing day. this island was founded in the year 410 and is run by benedictine monks. there are rules you must follow: no smoking, no cars, no noise. unknowingly, i timed my arrival perfectly with a full mass. it was one of the most moving experiences i’ve ever had. the service was conducted by about 20 monks. their chanting in perfect harmony sent chills down my spine.
this is the old monastery that is still standing after 16 centuries. it is unbelievably beautiful inside.
there is vineyard in the middle of the island. the monks make wine !
i left a rock for the monks that says “CALME.” (calm in french). i hope i don’t get in trouble for littering.
site by myhreco