there’s going to be a couple of very happy fat cats.
i channeled my inner hippie chick and designed a new line called INDIGO. i have a deep love for indigo and have been “indigo dying” my clothes for a many years now. i’m excited to share more of the line soon, it will be released later this year . . .
i was very excited to receive the FIRST GALLEYS for my upcoming book, FRANCE inspiration du jour. the book is almost ready to go to print ! we are still tweaking it a bit and deciding on the cover. the book will be released in spring 2017 and published by chronicle books. stay tuned . . .
begin again.
hello monday. some people absolutely dread mondays. i happen to welcome mondays with open arms. to me, it represents a brand new week with brand new possibilities. bring it.
speaks directly to my heart. after a couple of grueling weeks working on a big deadline, i finally turned it in. now, BACK to my sabbatical . . .
THANK YOU to the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE for featuring an article about my recent trip to tokyo. there are SO many amazing places to see in tokyo. i listed 7 of my favorite spots (just the tip of the iceberg) and some of the photos that i took there.
you can see and read the full article HERE.
tokyo, japan
february 2016
i LOVE boro textiles. there was such an abundance of them in tokyo. turns out, the next best thing to buying boro fabrics is SKETCHING them ! so satisfying.
site by myhreco