Buy “In Pursuit of Inspiration: Trust Your Instincts and Make More Art” at:
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Sunday, October 18, 2015

tomales bay.

we went up to inverness for the day, which is a mere hour and a bit drive. i love this time of year, the light is so golden and so pure. we are lucky to always have this indian summer in october.  getting out of the city, even if just for a few hours, completely recharges me, inspires me, and puts things in perspective. 

Friday, October 09, 2015

glaze daze.

my LEAST favorite step in the MANY steps to making pottery.

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

good dog.

when you break the lid to your dog treat jar, you simply turn it into a UTENSIL holder. 

didn’t you need one, anyway ?

Monday, October 05, 2015

w o r d s .

there’s a new shipment of my word mugs at the beautiful store in half moon bay called

what’s YOUR word ?

Friday, October 02, 2015

friday field trip (from the sketchbook).

july 2007
jardin du luxembourg
paris, france. 

i LOVE the scattering of green chairs throughout this garden. they tell such a story the way they are left positioned. in groupings, some facing each other, some facing away from each other, and the alone ones off by themselves. so obscure. so fascinating to me.

Monday, September 28, 2015

we’re on our way . . .

to the EMERYVILLE ART EXHIBITION ! the show will be up from october 3rd-25th.

the opening gala celebration is this friday (october 2nd) from 6-9. the opening night is always such a fun soirée.

5745 peladeau (entrance on stanford ave)
open daily from 11-6 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

s e p t e m b e r .

savor what’s left of september . . . it’s my favorite month of the year.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

a happy fall.

today i was IN my studio before 8:00 a.m. ! this is highly unusual for me, as i like to start my day slowly, with lots of tea, a run, piano playing, etc. . . . but today i woke up feeling motivated and full of energy, and then i realized that today is the first day of FALL. this is by far my favorite time of the year. there is just “something” in the air that i so love. and it is my most productive time of the year. THIS fall i am extra busy, mostly with writing my new book (the french sketchbook). i am only doing a minimal amount of clay this season, so it’s going to be a scrawny christmas. if you’re hoping for holiday shopping with me, i highly suggest you shop early this year !

have a good fall.

Monday, September 14, 2015

new york, new york.

five days in new york . . . always a great meal at cafe gitane.

i always stop at le labo to smell the smells.

the hudson river.

the butcher’s daughter.

the new museum.

the balthazar bustle.

and new york just got even MORE fun !

(you can see more of my new york shots HERE)



Saturday, September 05, 2015

rock on.

these rocks are the bane of my existence. the truth is, i have a love/hate relationship with them: i’ve been making them continuously for over 15 years. they take much more work than meets the eye. it is my personal belief that it was the direct cause of my “frozen shoulder.” i have made thousands and THOUSANDS of them. BUT, i love leaving them around the world for people to find. i think the power of a single word can sometimes be more meaningful than an entire sentence. and i’m continually learning new ways to make the process of making them more efficient, even after all of these years and all of these rocks. i liken it to the movie JIRO DREMAS OF SUSHI . . . i am continuing my quest to perfect the art of making a rock (although i will only make them for TWO stores).

this batch of 500 rocks is heading to the ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

studio sweet studio . . .

after one month away, it is really nice to be back in my studio. this is definitely my “happy place” where it seems like everything is right with the world and creative possibilities are endless. it is no secret why i spend so much time here. it is my refuge from the world.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

all good things must come to an end . . .

sadly, our summer in vermont comes to an end and we will try to hold on to our vermont contentment for as long as we can.

we fly on an eight seat prop plane over vermont and through the MOST amazing clouds.

this is how i occupy myself on a six hour flight.

site by myhreco