Sunday, February 02, 2014

EVERY month should be all about love. that’s why i sometimes have a hard time with VALENTINE’S DAY. february 14th can feel like such a hallmarky effortful celebration. it doesn’t have to be and to me it shouldn’t be. i think every day should be all about love . . . the world might be a better place if everyone agreed on that.
to mark it in stone (or rather, clay) i’ve put a few new heartfelt reminders in my shop.
Monday, February 01, 2010

one of my favorite bloggists (that is one who blogs), is giving away a set of my handful of hearts. all you have to do is have the best answer to this question: what are 5 things you are loving right now. how easy is that ? just go HERE to enter the contest and win these in time for valentine’s day!
(if you miss out, you can still get them
Sunday, February 01, 2009

. . .
let me count the ways. i realize that valentines day can be a very gross hallmarky and commercial kind of day, but it doesn’t
have to be. i think it is a great month to just pause . . . and acknowledge all of the people in your life that you love and cherish. because in the end, that is all that really matters.
when i was home for the holidays, i had my family each make a heart. i loved all of the different interpretations of such a simple shape. and i loved the way they all looked together. this was the inspiration behind my
handful of hearts.