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Thursday, May 03, 2012

2nds sale sneak peek.

these are some of the items that i will be selling at our big SECONDS SALE this weekend. along with 2nds, i have a LOT of prototypes and one-offs that  i need to unload. shop early for the best deals !

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


my second generation botany vases have a dictionary description of the word on the back. i made a decal using my really old dictionary and i feel sad because i had to actually tear the page out in order to photo copy it (it broke my heart) . . .

but, i have always loved the look of the classic dictionary description of a word. it looks so studious (which i am not), and i enjoy mixing academia with art (which i am).

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


i have 2  lines of ceramic wares on the market. this has been somewhat confusing to many people.  one line is handmade by me, the other is manufactured. here is how it all came to be. i began selling my wares 13 years ago, making every single item by hand. this meant no molds, no castings, no interns, no employees, no accountants, no help.  just ME. making, glazing, firing, packing, shipping, promoting, accounting, etc . . . soon i was selling to 100 stores and working day and night, 7 days a week. i couldn’t keep up.  there was a dreaded never ending to-do list at all times.
serendipitously in 2003, magenta came into my life (with the help of whitney smith and the factory owner finding me at the palo alto clay + glass festival). this changed and saved my life completely . . . . and so was born RAE DUNN BY MAGENTA. this is a line that i design and make prototypes for. magenta then has it manufactured in china, markets, promotes, and sells it all across the globe. i barely have to lift a finger compared to what i WAS doing.
this has allowed me the time to focus on just a small exclusive line of handmade wares that i sell here and to a select group of stores.
if the piece is marked  “RAE DUNN,” it was handmade by me. if  it is marked “RAE DUNN BY MAGENTA,” it was manufactured by my pals at MAGENTA.
here are some of my manufactured items:

you can see more of this line here.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

piece of the pie.

THANK YOU to everyone who came to our big sale and made it such a huge success.  it was great to see so many old friends and to make so many new friends !!!  here is a piece of pizza we had during the weekend.  i loved the way it looked on one of josie’s charming plates . . . and now some lucky person out there OWNS this VERY plate !!!!!

site by myhreco