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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

patience is a virtue . . .

. . . and sometimes it gets you FREE BOWLS.

about 7 years ago i sold some bowls to a customer. 2.5 years ago he decided he wanted more of the same so he ordered 3 more bowls. this man patiently waited. sometimes gently nudged. checked in every now and then. waited. tapped his fingers. asked how they were coming along. waited. gently nudged. checked in with me. waited. and waited. and waited. finally, 2.5 years after he ordered these bowls, they were ready and yesterday he came to pick them up. i couldn’t bring myself to charge him for these said bowls. he was such the IDEAL customer. so patient. never got angry. never mad. no threats. quite understanding. and very pleased with his 3 new bowls.
moral of the story:

1. it would be nice if more customers understood the theory of CUSTOM HAND MADE objects and what goes into it. lots of failure, time, and motivation to make something that you really don’t want to make in the first place. (the first batch of these bowls came out too small, the next batch 2 of them cracked in the kiln, this was the 3rd batch . . . 3’s a charm ? i don’t think so)

2. to check in with MYSELF before i accept a custom order (in the future i will be accepting a LOT less of these).
end of story.



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