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Monday, June 11, 2007

sunny side up.

my mom is convinced that i am part feline because i can always find the tiniest sliver of sunshine to bask in. it’s like a treasure hunt for me. i love the warmth of the sun. it gives me super-hero-power energy so that i can run farther and jump higher !!….hhmmm….maybe that’s why my mom is always trying to draw the curtains on me !?!?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

doggie style.

these are some of the very stylish new york city dogs that i did NOT get to MEET !!!!!

this is the 3 month old english bulldog named BIGGIE.

max and lucy are brother and sister !

scruffy in nolita.

this is poppy. her motto is “why walk, when you can be carried ?”

looking for lottie…

how MUCH is that doggie in the window ??

sometimes chibi is even there !!!!!!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

no new york, no new york.

this is my mom’s idea of “taking me to new york” !!!! WHAT ??? to be in a FRAME on her DESK by a bunch of PENS ???? sometimes life is just so UNFAIR !!!!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

bubba in new york.

my mom met this dog in new york. his name is bubba and he is a jack russell terrier just like me. believe it or not, bubba is 18 years old (in PEOPLE years) !!!!

in spite of his age…..bubba seems to be quite functional. and now i know why i am drawn to the smell of tires !!!!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

stuff it.

somebody gave me this stuffed bear from the “bear factory” as a going away present. the factory is in the same building as my mom’s “old” clay studio.

it was a very kind gesture, but…….

1. i hate stuffed animals.
2. animals should not wear clothes.
3. i have a strong aversion to furry things smaller than me.
4. i can’t wait to rip its arm off.
5. i really can’t even BEAR to LOOK at it !

Thursday, April 05, 2007

dog day afternoon.

THIS is my boyfriend angus. he and i hit it off the MINUTE we met. it was love at first bite. isn’t he unbearably handsome?

we like to wrestle and roll around and smell each other and fetch sticks together and chase each other.

……….actually, it’s ANGUS who chases ME. even though he runs very fast…….i run even FASTER. in fact, i am the fastest running dog in the park ! nobody can catch me.

Monday, March 19, 2007

seeing spots.

i, too, am drawn to spots.

i look for dots . . .

i sit on the spots.

and MY dots end up on MY mom’s POTS !

LOTS of spots and dots are HOT.

whether you LIKE them or NOTS !

Monday, March 12, 2007

i’m still dreaming.

i don’t quite understand this daylight savings time thing. it just makes me tired when i shouldn’t be…..hungry when i’m usually not (well…actually i’m pretty much always hungry)….and awake when i should be asleep. i just don’t get it. i thought things were fine the way they were. but now my mom has to drag me out of bed in the morning…. and usually i’m right in the middle of a dream. it doesn’t seem fair.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

a little corny.

last night we had dinner at jessie + otto’s house. SO FUN ! we tried to trick the grown-ups by me sitting under baby otto’s high chair and he tossing down all of the food he didn’t want to eat. we would have gotten away with it, except that neither of us would eat the corn kernels. the floor suddenly became a sea of corn. luckily, everyone thought it was funny. then otto and i sat on the couch to rest our full, but happy, bellies………we make a good team.

Monday, March 05, 2007

it boggles the mind.

this is my good friend miss lottie. lottie is a boston terrier but we have a lot in common. we are the same size, we are the same colours, our mother’s are both artists, we own the same $60 sweater, and we are both super cute (sometimes i think my mom thinks lottie is cuter than me….this makes me sad, in a mad way). anyway, lottie’s mom threw a fabulous boggle party the other night. they wouldn’t let US play, but it seems they all had fun (what with the uproarious laughter all night) AND there was plenty of cheese and bits of crackers on the floor for us to snack on. boggle parties rock !

Sunday, March 04, 2007

the bad kind of fleas.

today my mom went to the flea market and left me home alone for FIVE HOURS !!!!! something about dogs not being allowed in the market. anyway, i don’t think i would have had fun there. just a bunch of old dusty junk. she is always dragging home old suitcases and rusty things that smell like mold. i’m not sure why. luckily, she took me to the park when she got back. my friend angus was there. i let him chase me.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

i turned one.

hi. my name is wilma and this is me on my first birthday. i’m not sure why my mom makes me sit before i get to eat anything yummy…..but i’ll do just about anything for cake. mmmmmmm it was so worth it.

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