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Saturday, April 05, 2008

mmmmmmmmm . . . SUSHI !!!

my auntie valerie sent me some sushi from oregon.  i’m usually a meat and potatoes kind of gal, but i thought i would give it a try, as my mom says she could eat sushi ALL day long . . . 

i started with a tuna roll . . . not bad !  it was actually seriously delicious.  i ended up eating the entire box of sushi and wanting more.  who knew ?

more sushi, please !!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008

ugly betty.

my grandmama found this funny looking dog on the street. she had no collar on and acted as if she hadn’t eaten in months. grandma kept her overnight and put ads out to see if anyone would claim her. we were all calling her ugly betty . . . you can see why.

she was sort of nice, but i didn’t care for the way she looked at me. and they were all making such a big fuss over this little lump of a dog. luckily, for the both of us, the owners came forth the next day. turns out she lives just 3 houses away !!! it was a close call, as grandma would have kept her . . . but, bye-bye betty !!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008


i love our new house.  there is a balcony on the 3rd floor and we keep the door open so i can go in and out as i please.  and it’s almost always sunny here, too.  this is SO the LIFE !
Thursday, March 20, 2008

happy spring . . .

and hoppy easter.  no,  i’m not too fond of these ears, but i do love a good easter egg hunt !!  let the games begin . . .

Thursday, March 06, 2008

the slumber party . . .

. . . with my cousin chloe.
Sunday, February 17, 2008

let the sun shine . . .

i am loving our new house !  my bed is in the sunniest corner of the very sunny house.  it makes for great afternoon napping (yes,  i’ve been known to take the occasional nap . . . oh, and you don’t ?).
Monday, February 11, 2008

a day at the beach.

i had a great day at the beach yesterday. i did some of my crazy eight runs and even dipped my hoofs in the water !!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

a very sad day.

i am so very sad to say that my grandfather died on sunday. i called him gung gung. i’m going to miss him so much. i used to run and jump in his bed with him when we would go to visit. and i would sit on his lap or on his chair to watch t.v. with him. he was such a fun man and he was always so nice to me. i’m going to miss him very VERY much. this is why i am sad.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

let’s toast !

when my mom said that we would TOAST tonight on new year’s eve, i had something a little different in mind ! i’ve learned how to steal my cousin’s breakfast, and now my mom says that my holiday hips are no longer cute. so . . . i have added the dreaded “diet” to my list of new year’s resolutions. what’s on YOUR list ?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

the autumn leaves . . . .

. . . . pretty soon, and that makes me very sad. i love autumn.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

nature girls.

we are moving to the other side of the bay bridge to a little town called emeryville. this is me and my mom and the view of san francisco from my new “backyard” on the bay !! i’m so excited to be out of the city streets and onto a LOT more nature and grass and dirt and trails….THIS is the life !!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

trick or treat ?

it seems the TRICK is on ME !!!! o.k…….i must admit that sometimes i DO do some devilish things, but i’m NOT going to get as much candy as i would have if i was dressed as a princess or a ballerina or a super hero. oh well…..happy halloween anyway.

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