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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

be square.

my square salt + pepper cellars are back in the s h o p .

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

DESSERT, p l e a s e .

here is some new work for our DESSERT SHOW that opens tomorrow night. these are my new tea-coffee-ice cream-pudding bowls.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

holiday plates.

i have a new set of holiday gingham plates available ONLY at terrain.

see them right here
Monday, December 05, 2011

a platter of holiday cheer . . .

this is the selection of LIMITED EDITION holiday banner ornaments i made this year. they will only be available until december 17th.

shop here.
Monday, November 28, 2011

lump of coal.

well . . . these are (slightly) better than a lump of coal.

stuff these in your christmas stockings.

new rocks in the s h o p .
Saturday, November 12, 2011

a good shot.

my new “mini cup / shot glass / espresso cup / salt + pepper cellar / holder of small things” are now available in the shop. we tested them out during our friday happy hour and they held the perfect shot of tequila . . . cheers !

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

say "cheese."

my cheese plate + knife sets are now available at GARNET HILL (these are from my manufactured line) and just in time for the holidays. it’s the perfect way to serve hunks of cheese. we could use about 10 of these at the studio . . . we do LOVE our cheeses there !
Sunday, November 06, 2011

late nights in the studio . . .

santa’s workshop is officially open and in full swing. i’ve been working like a dog every single day + night. i’ve also been having many technical difficulties and other problems (i.e. forgetting about a certain purchase order which ended with me having to make 102 plates in ONE SITTING). my life becomes insane this time of year. luckily we had these german digestifs to wash down the giant burritos we ate at 10 pm one night . . . burp.

Friday, October 28, 2011

seek beauty . . .

there are a few of my new hieroglyphic vases available in the SHOP !
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

patience is a virtue . . .

. . . and sometimes it gets you FREE BOWLS.

about 7 years ago i sold some bowls to a customer. 2.5 years ago he decided he wanted more of the same so he ordered 3 more bowls. this man patiently waited. sometimes gently nudged. checked in every now and then. waited. tapped his fingers. asked how they were coming along. waited. gently nudged. checked in with me. waited. and waited. and waited. finally, 2.5 years after he ordered these bowls, they were ready and yesterday he came to pick them up. i couldn’t bring myself to charge him for these said bowls. he was such the IDEAL customer. so patient. never got angry. never mad. no threats. quite understanding. and very pleased with his 3 new bowls.
moral of the story:

1. it would be nice if more customers understood the theory of CUSTOM HAND MADE objects and what goes into it. lots of failure, time, and motivation to make something that you really don’t want to make in the first place. (the first batch of these bowls came out too small, the next batch 2 of them cracked in the kiln, this was the 3rd batch . . . 3’s a charm ? i don’t think so)

2. to check in with MYSELF before i accept a custom order (in the future i will be accepting a LOT less of these).
end of story.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

the mystery drink . . .

today was ALL about the color “butterscotch-caramel.”

it started out with these crazy pantaloons that i wore to the studio.

and then on my apron pocket (fabric from erica tanov) . . .

i was painting MANY plates with this . . .

a new gingham series for terrain . . .

and ended the day drinking this drink.

the FIRST person who guesses EXACTLY what was IN this drink will win 2 free shot glasses.

(enter as many times as you need to)

GAME OVER . . . the drink was correctly identified !

site by myhreco