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Sunday, July 08, 2012

palo alto show.

the big ACGA show in PALO ALTO is THIS WEEKEND.
saturday + sunday
10am – 5pm

i will have some of the work i made in france for sale.

come by and say HI . . . this is always such a fun event.

Friday, July 06, 2012

friday field trip (from the sketchbook).

june 2012
(the mediterranean sea)
antibes, france

i realize that my friday sketch posts have been severely lagging. this is mostly because i was watch-free + phone-free in france for 6 weeks. i never knew what time it was or even what day it was. this was so wonderfully freeing. i existed purely on my own body’s clock. ate when i was hungry, slept when i was sleepy, worked when i felt moved to work, etc . . . every whim was met and granted with no questions asked. and so i ask myself why life can’t be like this always ? certainly we do need clocks to make our dental appointments and catch our planes, but honestly, shouldn’t we rely more on our own instincts and intuitions in life ? i vow to make even more of an effort to live my life in this way.

for me, it’s about slowing down and existing for the moment in time. not hurrying ahead and not being slowed down by the past.

(p.s. . . this was painted on eden roc using the mediterranean sea as my water with the water colour paints. it was a perfectly profound moment in time that i will always remember fondly)

Monday, July 02, 2012

picasso, picasso, picasso.

the musée picasso in antibes is my new favorite museum EVER. it has amazing art, it’s a beautiful building, and it sits right on the mediterranean sea with killer views out of all of the windows. basically, i’d love to live in this museum.

one of my favorite paintings.

it also has a large selection of his ceramics.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

m e r c i .

MERCI to jan, at poppytalk, for the great story she did on my residency in the south of france.

you can read the post HERE.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

le papillon.

following suit with my butterfly theme here in france, this beautiful french butterfly was perched upon one of my 12 vessels at the opening of our show. i can’t but help think that this was an auspicious omen.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

show + tell.

our show in vallauris, france opened yesterday. in spite of the extremely HOT weather, we managed to have a great turnout and plenty of rosé in the house to bring everyone’s temperature down just a few degrees.

Friday, June 22, 2012

the french teapots.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

show time.

our show in vallauris, france is THIS SATURDAY !

if you happen to be in the Côte d’Azur this weekend, come on down.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

les bouteilles.

here are my finished bottles. the raw beauty of this black clay gives them the illusion of a chimney, which was my first inspiration for them. i also discovered this cool box of glaze “chalk” that i purchased here in france. this black clay makes for a perfect chalkboard.

Monday, June 18, 2012


everything here in france is so beautiful to me, without even trying to be. i can even find inspiration right under my feet.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

the french army.

here is an army of my work in progress.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

standing room only.

this is my walk home from the studio. the street is SO narrow that when a car comes, you literally have to step into a doorway to let it pass ! so charming.

site by myhreco