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Wednesday, October 03, 2012

the sweet job.

i was commissioned by recchiuti confections to make plates for their chocolates display case in the ferry building. each porcelain plate has the name of one of the incredible flavors (these are just some of their AMAZING flavors). wilma was the project manager on this job and hoping there would be chocolates at the end of the tunnel.

et voilà ! she was RIGHT. this is the box of chocolates they gave us when they picked up their order. i’m eating ONE a DAY and savoring each bite of these amazing delicacies.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

bon appétit.

i’m doing some fall cleaning in the studio and will be selling random things that i find. starting with these chunky napkin rings . . .

see them here.

Monday, October 01, 2012

fifty – 50.

i was commissioned to make party favors for a big 50 year birthday party. i made fallen porcelain leaves . . . each one formed by hand. i thought this would be an elegant way to mark this magnificent milestone.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

rock on.

although i am TRYING not to do any more production work, i couldn’t pass up an order for one of my FAVORITE museums in the country . . . the  ISABELLA STEWART GARDNER MUSEUM in boston. these 600 rocks, in progress, will be available at the beautifully curated museum store, and i personally made each one.

Friday, September 28, 2012

friday field trip (from the sketchbook).

november 2010
berkeley, california

this piece will be showing at the 26th ANNUAL EMERYVILLE ART EXHIBITION, which opens on friday october 5th-28th.  i will be exhibiting 3 pieces at this show, along with a lot of other great artists. don’t miss it !

Thursday, September 27, 2012


i am now offering customized pet urns. the difficulty of a beloved pet’s death can be overwhelmingly sad and such a huge loss. especially these days where dogs are the new babies, and we spend SO much time with them. i can say with great authority that i LOVE wilma as much as if i had birthed her myself ! here is one way to keep your pet’s memory alive every day. i designed this pet urn after one of my larger sculptural vessels. each urn is hand built out of porcelain and customized with your pet’s personal info.

details are here.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

tried and true.

these plates are the first  product that i made 17 years ago (which launched my clay career) and i am still making + selling them to this very day. i guess you could say they are my signature item. and although my work has evolved in so many other ways, these plates have remained exactly the same for all of these years. this batch is going to the gallery shop at the palo alto cultural center.

Friday, September 21, 2012


i made these limited edition VOTE rocks.

i think they speak for themselves.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

studio scene.

test tiles + plaques.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

w a s h .

i have a new SOAP DISH which is now available at TERRAIN.

i wanted the soap dish texture to look like an actual wash cloth.

Monday, September 10, 2012

new vases.

there are a few new vases in my shop. i, for one, can never own too many vases. when i don’t have fresh flowers, i put sticks or curly willow stems in my vases. it adds a really nice touch to any room.

Saturday, September 08, 2012


there is a FREE GIVEAWAY contest on my facebook page.

win the above items by entering HERE.

good luck !

site by myhreco