Buy “In Pursuit of Inspiration: Trust Your Instincts and Make More Art” at:
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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

i’ll drink to that.

my top V.I.P. customer sent me this beautiful bottle of wine. it’s acts of kindness like this that make my job TOTALLY worth it. and with all of the mailing OUT of packages i’ve been doing this season, it felt so odd to actually receive a package in the mail. such a nice surprise. cheers.

thank you ML !

Friday, December 14, 2012

new beginnings.

thank you to everyone who attended our fourth & clay holiday party last night. it was a bitter sweet occasion, as it was my last annual holiday party as part of fourth & clay. i’m going to miss my claymates a lot, but i’ll be just around the corner. cheers to NEW BEGINNINGS and holding on to fond memories.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

holiday party.

this is my LAST holiday event of the year and my LAST holiday at FOURTH & CLAY . . . (sniff sniff). please join us for our party THIS THURSDAY night. it will be a good one.

there will be food, libation, live music, and plenty o’ pots to buy (i’ll even have some affordable 2nds).

(please note that i am NOT doing the renegade show this weekend)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

m e r c i .

THANK YOU to everyone who came to my sale over the weekend and helped christen my new work|shop ! it was a fabulous turnout and people came out of the woodwork for it. i got to see a girl who i met in 2nd grade who i haven’t seen in over 30 years ! another friend who i worked with at ESPRIT who i hadn’t seen in 20 years. and lots of old friends that i don’t get to see often enough. it was a very warm and fuzzy weekend.

Monday, December 10, 2012

free giveaway.

here is a chance to WIN some of my wares AND to learn about a FABULOUS FOOD BLOG (if you aren’t already aware of it). MOM’S KITCHEN HANDBOOK  is doing a FREE GIVEAWAY of my work this week. it’s a win – win.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

let it snow.

i am taking full advantage of my chalkboard paint and now part of my studio is snowing ! i’ve been busy setting up for my big sale THIS weekend. hope to see you there.

Thursday, December 06, 2012


these are just some of the vases that will be on SUPER SALE this weekend.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

chalk it up.

i’m slowly prepping my new studio for my big move in. i painted this huge wall in chalkboard paint. i love having a blank slate . . .  i am so ready to start filling it up with new ideas and designs . . .

Monday, December 03, 2012


i’m not moving into my new studio until january, but i will be having a HUGE SALE there THIS WEEKEND before i move all my equipment in. come by for a sneak peek . . . i will have a lot of new work AND a LOT of old work that is marked up to 75% OFF. get the best deals of the year. everything must GO ! 

dec 8th + 9th
927 parker street (@8th)
berkeley, ca 

Monday, December 03, 2012

let’s get organized.

my ceramic desk sets are now available at ANTHROPOLOGIE.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

small works.

the SMALL WORKS SHOW is opening TODAY at roscoe ceramic gallery.

Friday, November 30, 2012

take note.

my new ceramic CHALKBOARD is now available at ANTHROPOLOGIE. these are great to hang in the kitchen to jot down your shopping list  or to leave a note for your spouse or KIDS!

get one here.

site by myhreco