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Thursday, March 21, 2013

it’s time.

THANK YOU design sponge for featuring TWO of my clocks on today’s post ! this chalkboard clock (you can write on it with chalk) and number 9 on the second group of clocks.

see them here.

Monday, March 18, 2013

new work, new work.

some of my new clay + calligraphy work is being unveiled on my online shop today.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

kicking it.

i am mostly a hand builder, but every now and then, i find great enjoyment trimming my pots on my kick wheel. sometimes it’s good to mix it up !

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

hide + seek . . .

there is a fun thing going on at  NCECA this year. we’re playing hide + seek with our pots ! 36 potters will be hiding a pot out in the streets of HOUSTON and if you find one, you get to KEEP IT ! here’s how to play . . . go to instagram: hide’n’seekah (hidenseekah) and follow the 36 potters for clues. FINDERS KEEPERS.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

clay + calligraphy.

2 of my favorite “pastimes” rolled into one. i have always been extremely passionate about handwriting. growing up, i wanted “hand writing” to be my job. i even once hand wrote my résumé for a graphic design firm and was later told that THAT was one of the reasons i landed the job. now that i am lucky enough to create my own jobs, i’ve hired my own hand to collaborate with my clay. so you see, dream jobs can come true . . . stay tuned for my new line of calligraphy on clay.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

it’s golden.

i love when my friends drop by the studio. i also love when my fabulous food stylist/chef friends drop by bearing edible gifts ! erin made this most amazing caramel corn (i think her secret weapon was honey). what better way to spend a grey rainy afternoon in the studio then by eating caramel corn + drinking bourbon ?

Thursday, March 07, 2013

good cut.

i love cutting boards and can’t seem to get enough of them. they are literally starting to take over my counter top. i also love re-purposing things. i broke the top to wilma’s treat jar . . . so now it is a utensil holder.


(photo via instagram)

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

let there be light.

one of the the main things i love about my new studio is the natural light. during the day, i don’t even turn any lights on in the studio. i love how natural light brings out the vague contrasts + contours in my work. these simple things in life make me excruciatingly happy.

Monday, March 04, 2013

the chair.

(raedunnclay via instagram)

i have a thing for chairs. as many as i already have . . . i can always justify just one more. today was the big alameda flea market and the only thing i purchased was this chair (it’s actually more like a love seat). it will be the perfect addition to my new studio . . . maybe you’ll come and sit it in some day ?!

Friday, March 01, 2013

leather hard.

my absolute favorite stage of clay is when it is leather hard. the contrasts really show up and it is cool to the touch. it changes completely once it becomes bone dry and then of course when it is fired and glazed. i’m searching for a way to keep it looking like this. not an easy task. but stay tuned.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

it’s tea time.

i usually drink my tea out of a mason jar or a pint glass (i like a LOT of tea). but sometimes it’s nice to be somewhat civilized and to drink out of a proper teacup. i made a few of them to try them out for size. you can see them here and here.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

the pear.

the pears are back. 

you can see them here.

site by myhreco