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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

la poire.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

dirty girl.

this black spanish clay is much wetter than i remember, which is making it very difficult to work with and extra messy ! it’s also causing me just a bit of stress, as i need to finish working with the black clay before i open my bags of beautiful and pristine limoges porcelain . . . but we all know that you can not rush clay. this has been a big lesson in patience (something that i have very little of).

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013


it’s good to be back together in france with my favorite black clay. although it is a little wet this year and hard to coil build with. have you ever tried coil building with mud ? not very fun and a very slow process. so in between the waiting i’ve been making spoons. a great small item and easy to carry back with me without (hopefully) breaking. i’m planning to make a multitude of them . . . 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

coming in for a landing.

i landed safely in NICE and now i am tucked away in vallauris ready to start my residency. it’s like taking a breath of fresh air.

Monday, May 20, 2013

and away we go . . .

LiNG and i are off to the south of FRANCE ! stay tuned for our adventures . . . 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

ceramics monthly.

i was EXTREMELY honored for the little spread in the june/july/august issue of CERAMICS MONTHLY. if you want to know how i stumbled upon clay and a little bit about my work life, grab a copy ! it’s a pretty great issue.

p.s. tomorrow i am heading back to france for another residency !

Saturday, May 18, 2013

some news is good news.

i am slowly entering the 21rst century and i sent out my very first newsletter ! with all of the social media that i have surprisingly joined (you sort of HAVE to these days) i thought a newsletter would be a good way to share the highlights in one fell swoop. i will only be sending these out every few months, or when i am promoting a SALE or a studio event. if you want to sign up, you can email me your email address, or go to my facebook page and click on the EMAIL SIGN UP button to the right, under the main photo.

you can read my first newsletter HERE.

Friday, May 17, 2013

go fig-ure.

right outside of my studio is an ENORMOUS fig tree. when i walked by it today, there was  a little fig sitting on the ground right in front of me. i hadn’t noticed that the tree had started bearing fruit yet and when i looked up to search for more, there was not a single other fig on the tree. i couldn’t help but think that this was some sort of a good sign . . . here is what i discovered:

“The symbolic meanings of figs preceded those of the fig tree: figs connote abundance and initiation. Ancient Egyptian priests ate them at their consecration ceremonies, and the first desert hermits ate them, too. (Their nutritional value is also obvious.) The many seeds in the fig are supposed to signify unity and the universality of true understanding, knowledge, and sometimes faith.”

also that figs epitomize the MEDITERRANEAN, its climate, its food, its way of life . . . and guess who’s going to the mediterranean on monday ? MOI !

Saturday, May 04, 2013


the BIG CUP SHOW starts today !

go HERE for the details.
(if you can’t be there, you can call to order by phone) 

Thursday, May 02, 2013

a little news.

PLEASE NOTE that i am leaving to do a residency in FRANCE soon. all orders placed after may 12th will be shipped in JULY !

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

word du jour.

(via my instagram)

site by myhreco