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Sunday, June 16, 2013

s p o o n i n g .

Rae Dunn Clay

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

where’s ling ?

LiNG’s in a forest of vases.

Monday, June 10, 2013

rue rae.

i LOVE being back in my french studio which is on RUE REY.

c’est si bon

Monday, June 10, 2013

seeing beauty.

Rae Dunn
the town where i am doing my residency in france, vallauris, is a very poor and run down town. it is filled with potters and other artists.  the city council is trying to revive this little town and luckily they are huge supporters of the arts. this is a typical street in vallauris. very old and worn, but to me, so hauntingly beautiful.

Friday, June 07, 2013

je suis comme je suis.

these started out as figs, but then they started turning into pears, but then they ended up being cups. sometimes you can not control the clay . . . it controls you, and you just have to give up the fight. je suis comme je suis.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Rae Dunn Clay
late night studio scene à la française.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

la figue.

Rae Dunn Clay
lately, figs have literally been falling at my feet (see HERE and HERE). i also grew up in the central valley where fig orchards were prominent, our closest shopping center was called “fig garden”, and in high school our “gathering” place for weekend nights was a giant fig orchard which was simply known as “the figs.” so you can see why i was feeling compelled to make a few figs here in france. i had never made one before and they kept trying to turn into pears (as i have made 100’s of pears in the past and muscle memory is really “something”) but i think a few of them turned out ok.

Monday, June 03, 2013

la théière.


Rae Dunn Clayi made just a small batch of teapots this year. the black clay was giving me many problems. also, i want to start painting and i need to finish up with the clay first ! . . . so many things to do – so little TIME !

Sunday, June 02, 2013

tea to go.

one of the things i LOVE about france is the lack of  “to go” coffees + teas. people actually take the time to sit and enjoy their coffee in a real ceramic cup, forgoing paper cups/styrofoam cups/plastic lids/cardboard sleeves/wooden stirrers . . . UGH. it’s the general difference in lifestyle compared to america. we are always in such a hurry to get from point A to point B, in the south of france, people take the time to savor their hot beverage over a conversation. i’m trying to adhere to this, but when i “need” to have tea in my studio, this is my to go cup.

site by myhreco