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Friday, May 02, 2014

ann van hoey.

the fabulous ANN VAN HOEY was visiting for 2 weeks. i met ann in france last summer and convinced her to come to berkeley to teach a master workshop in my studio. it was AMAZING.  we had a full house and people came from as far away as HAWAII and OREGON just to attend her class. here she is doing her famous move: cutting the clay with giant scissors. we had a very busy and fun 2 weeks of studio visits, field trips, dinner parties, and sight seeing . . .

clay is such a bonding agent !

Thursday, April 10, 2014

thank you new york times.

thank you NEW YORK TIMES and BUVETTE for including my egg cups in this article AND putting them on the FRONT PAGE of the home section ! what a nice surprise.

Monday, March 31, 2014

l o v e .

i found this perfect RED heart shaped sea glass on the beach.

could i get even LUCKIER ?!

Friday, March 14, 2014

sushi soirée.

sushi is one of my favorite food groups. if you have lunch with me at my studio, chances are pretty high that you will be served sushi. it is so simple, clean and easy. bon appétit.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

nice package.

i’m honored to be featured in this new book PACKAGING YOUR CRAFTS by viola sutanto. it’s a great book with SO many fabulous packaging ideas. i highly recommend. 

Monday, March 10, 2014

rock on.

there are a lot of new rocks in the shop . . . 

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

help a sistah out . . .

as many of you may know, the fabulous potter and one of my best friends, Christa Assad, broke her back and lost everything in a horrible house fire. she is out of work for a few months while she rebuilds her life. you can help out by donating ANY amount of money, or for $25 enter a raffle to win BOTH of these vases (or many other great works).

go here: 
and remember to write the name of WHICH artist you want to bid on. THANK YOU !

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

free giveaway . . .

i’m giving away salt + pepper cellars on my INSTAGRAM page to TWO random people.

the winners will be announced here thursday morning.

good luck !

Friday, February 28, 2014

a girl can dream . . .

have you been to the HOLLYWOOD HILLS lately ?!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

more love.

i designed these votives exclusively for the MARTHA STEWART AMERICAN MADE MARKET. love is year round, not just  a february thing !

you can purchase them HERE.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

rock salt.

my MARTHA STEWART salt + pepper cellars sold out in ONE DAY . . . 

so it’s back to the salt mine for me !

(p.s. . . for my handmade line, i make, glaze, and ship every single item MYSELF)

(my instagram)

Friday, February 21, 2014

martha. martha. martha.


and in such GREAT company.

merci, martha.

site by myhreco