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Thursday, June 12, 2014

full house.

we fired this FULL kiln in france on the night of the FULL moon.

this has to mean good luck, OUI ?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

busy bee.

you see, i don’t just sit around drinking wine, eating cheese, and swimming in the mediterranean sea when i’m here in france. i’ve been BUSY ! we’re doing our first firing tonight. stay tuned . . . 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

the right tool.

i love these new tools i bought here in france. 

Monday, June 09, 2014

like butter.

my friend, laurence, who hosted an amazing dinner party at her beautiful home in cannes (which she has done for the past 4 years) had the great idea to put BUTTER in my little cups. i LOVED the way it looked and the utilitarian nature of it. it gave me the idea to make little butter spreaders to go WITH these little cups. stay tuned . . . 

Sunday, June 08, 2014

i’m a little teapot . . .

works in progress.

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

in the studio.

vallauris, france.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

in my french studio . . .

this is what’s going on . . . 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

the eagle has landed . . .

on the french riviera (aka my happy place). stay tuned for my big adventures, or follow me HERE.

Monday, May 19, 2014

au revoir.

today i am leaving california to continue my love affair with the SOUTH OF FRANCE ! i’m doing another residency  and am so excited and ready to be far away from my “work” here and to stir up my creative juices. i’m looking forward to making things that I want to make, just for the sake of making. i’m also looking forward to daily farmers markets, swimming in the mediterranean sea, gorging on cheese, rosé season, warm weather, sea glass, and so much more . . . 

(if you want a quick synapses of what i’ve been up to, my new newsletter is out.)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

c l o s e d .

please note that my on-line store is now closed until the end of august. when i re-open, i will have many things on sale. i’m making some changes in my work . . . less production – more art. stay tuned.

Friday, May 16, 2014

friday field trip (from the sketchbook).

july 2005
ullastret, spain 

we had dinner at this INCREDIBLE restaurant in northern spain. it was truly an epic meal. so much so, that i left one of my word rocks on the waitress’s tip tray. usually, i leave my rocks around the world in obscure places hoping people will find them, but i wanted our waitress to have it . . . 9 years later, she tracked me down on FACEBOOK and posted this picture of said rock. she says she carries this rock with her everywhere she moves to. now she lives in england. it sends chills down my spine . . . 

Saturday, May 03, 2014

saturday still life.

on the table.

site by myhreco