Buy “In Pursuit of Inspiration: Trust Your Instincts and Make More Art” at:
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

a la francaise.

i have just a FEW of these porcelain french salt + pepper cellars in my shop.

also please note that my shop will be closing THIS FRIDAY until further notice !

Friday, December 12, 2014

studio news.

my studio is open for ONE more weekend for the year ! after this i am shutting my doors for a while, taking a seriously needed hiatus, and doing some studio renovations (literally and figuratively). i have a LOT of work on SUPER SALE and items from my own private collection of  “junque.”

927 parker street @8th
berkeley, ca
sat + sun

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

my morning routine.

are you ever curious about someone’s morning routine ? i know i am. here is your chance to see what MY morning routine is. this is a great website devoted solely to people’s morning routines (my morning routine).

you can read about mine HERE.

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

open studio.

my studio will be open these holiday hours. it’s part of berkeley artisans open studios. there are MANY studios nearby open to the public. i love this time of year when you can  go inside someone’s studio and see where the art is actually made ! BUY. LOCAL.

rae dunn.
(in the sawtooth building)
927 parker street
berkeley, ca 

Monday, December 01, 2014

cyber monday.

it’s hard to ignore that it is CYBER MONDAY !

get 20% off anything in my online store today.

use code cybermonday2014.

happy shopping.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

open studios.

thank you DIABLO MAGAZINE blog for promoting Berkeley Artisan Open Studios (and especially for using an image of my work). berkeley open studios starts THIS weekend ! there are 100 artists opening up their studios to the public. now is your chance to go meet the artists in person and see their work spaces  . . . get out there and have a peek !

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

so. sweet.

a woman commissioned me to make bowls for her father (who lives in france). 8 yogurt bowls with the names of each of his grandchildren so that he can have breakfast with one of them every day.  does it get any sweeter ?

Sunday, November 23, 2014

a good fall.

fall is most definitely my favorite season. i love the light. i love the crisp air. i love the root vegetables. i am trying to make sure i savor this season by slowing down and making time to pause throughout the day. though i can feel the city start to pulse with the impending winter holidays, I plan to linger in fall. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

hold love.

i have a few more of these dishes available here. they have been flying out of my store. i think people are feeling the need to hold on to love . . . shouldn’t we always ?

Thursday, November 13, 2014

sweet. heart.

here is my new porcelain sugar cellar, perfect for your next tea party. i realize that this is borderline “too sweet” . . . but i just couldn’t help myself !

find it here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


my holiday news letter is out . . . click HERE to read it !

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

melissa joy manning.

i was honored to be asked to set up a six week pop up shop in melissa joy manning‘s gorgeous berkeley store ! the opening reception is THIS friday from 5-7. come by and meet melissa + meet while enjoying wine, sweets, jewelry and pottery !

friday november 14th
1827 5th street
berkeley, ca 

site by myhreco