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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

a slow start.

it has been a very slow start to my year. it was my complete intention to take a hiatus for the first few months of 2015, but with the unplanned BROKEN FOOT, i am now forced to, and am moving at an even SLOWER pace than i expected ! i am trying to put a positive spin on it: i have time to pause (actually to completely stop) and to think about where i want to go with my work. all i know is that i want to go somewhere NEW ! i honestly think it was the universe who planned my broken foot so that i would actually STOP before i start again. i am often too feisty + stubborn for my my own good.

i was looking back at my really old work. thought about revisiting some of it. but then decided that i needed to move FORWARD not BACKWARDS.

(circa 1994)

Monday, January 26, 2015

rock on.

wilma is making special rocks for a free promotional giveaway with her upcoming book WILMA’S WORLD.

stay tuned for the details . . . 

(you can follow wilma here and here)

Friday, January 23, 2015

white is right.

i’m loving the light and white in my studio.

white walls are like a clean blank canvas.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


i had a celebratory dinner with my wonderful book agent, debra. we are so SUPER EXCITED about WILMA’S WORLD hitting the shelves on march third.

C H E E R S !

Monday, January 19, 2015

monday still life.

the natural light in my studio is phenomenal. 

this photo was taken with no lights and no filter.

au naturale.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

starting the year out WHITE !

though i do LOVE red brick, it wasn’t working for me in my studio. it was feeling dark and busy. red brick walls are wonderful for a restaurant, a cafe, a home, etc . . . but in a creative environment i need light and calm.

i’ve been wanting to paint my walls white for a while and i finally did it. it has changed the whole aesthetic of my studio. i’m looking forward to starting the new year in my “new” studio. i will reveal the studio side when things are unpacked and in order. i’m still in super slow motion because of my broken foot !

white is right.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

the cleanse.

this is my idea of a post holiday cleanse.

. . . and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Monday, January 05, 2015

in the studio.

i’m doing some major studio cleaning + renovation.

i keep this mantra on the tip of my tongue. 

stay tuned for the new studio reveal !

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

a clean break.

another year has come and gone in a mere blink of an eye. i had an incredible 2014 and accomplished a lot: a book, a residency in france, a solo show, plus many other small feats. for years i have been wanting to change things in my work life but have never  been fully successful in doing so. for those of you who don’t know me in person, i work a lot. a LOT. i am always working. i’m like a production machine, making multiples (sometimes 500) of the same thing over and over and over again.  a few weeks ago i broke my foot. it was a full clean break, and i am taking this as a sign from the universe: i am making a clean break in my work life. the timing is impeccable and i am finally convinced that i need to slow down and make some changes. i broke my foot by running down a flight of stairs at full speed because i am always in a hurry.

(not feeling guilty anymore about knitting all morning !)

the gist of this change is to be an “artist” rather than a “production artist.” to slow down. to focus. i want to make one-of-a-kind work, i want to make BIG work, i want to paint, i want to knit, i want to experiment, i want to make what i want to make instead of what people want me to make. i’m not quite sure how this will spill over into the commercial end of my work, but i do know that i am going to take at least TWO months off to just be creative in my studio and to not worry about making work that will sell. it has been a long time coming and it feels good to finally follow my heart. stay tuned . . . you can still see what i’m up to here and here.

tomorrow we leave for mexico, where the sea of cortez meets the pacific ocean. what better place to start the new year and to begin my new work life !


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

cycle on.

my bicycle mugs are available at ABODE in rochester, new york !

Friday, December 19, 2014

words du jour.

i made these for a client’s wedding favors. i love how wintery they look.

perfect for their december wedding.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

i’m nut about fall.

i made these roasted rosemary almonds for a dinner party i was going to that night.

it made the whole house smell like THE SEASON . . .

and then i went to my studio where this tray of wedding favors was drying.

art imitating life, at it’s best.

site by myhreco