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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

sf girl by bay . . .

(all photos by victoria smith)

i had the extreme pleasure of studio visitor, victoria smith. we had a fun time chatting over a cup of tea and a chocolate croissant (well, how can you go wrong ?). victoria’s blog, sfgirlbybay, is definitely one of my TOP favorite design blogs EVER. her eye is phenomenal and her aesthetic is right up my alley. i am also in complete awe of what a great photographer she is. BEYOND. she was gracious enough to write a lovely blog post about wilma and me.

you can read the article HERE.

here are some of my favorite photos she took in my studio . . . 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

dirty girl.

today i touched clay for the FIRST time ALL YEAR ! i have been so caught up in WILMA’S WOLRD and hobbling around with a broken foot that i have not had true studio time. i’m looking forward for things to slow down so i can get my hands really dirty again.

Monday, March 09, 2015

yes folks . . .

it’s come down to THIS !

good thing i’m taller than wilma, otherwise SHE would have gotten top billing !

Saturday, March 07, 2015

custom house.

there is a rather large selection of my work at a beautiful store in telluride called CUSTOM HOUSE.

and i’m pretty sure they ship !

Saturday, March 07, 2015

merci berkeleyside.

(photo by laura flippen)

thank you BERKELEYSIDE BLOG for the really nice story !

it was fun to sit down with tracey and to re-live my journey. sometimes i forget how long the road has been, because it has been so fun and scenic along the way ! i am a big believer that slow and steady wins the race.

you can read the full story here.

Monday, February 23, 2015

wilma was blogged !

you can see what a day in wilma’s life enTAILS at the chronicle books blog. our fabulous editor, wynn, came and spent the morning with us at our studio. a lot of muffins were had.

see the story here.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

gung hay fa choy.

happy year of the sheep !

i LOVE sheep. it is obviously going to be a really great year . . . 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

free giveaway.

do you remember when wilma was making these rocks ?

well, chronicle books is giving away these rocks to the first 200 people that pre-order our book WILMA’S WORLD.

go HERE to enter !


Monday, February 09, 2015

three wee cacti.

i’ve never really been an “indoor plant person” but my sister gave me these wee cacti.

after re-potting them in my own pots i fell in love with them.

never say “never.”

Sunday, February 08, 2015

weird beautiful fruit.

a customer took this amazing photo of my plate + weird beautiful fruit.

it’s called a rambutan and is apparently delicious. i love strange foods.

looks like you can eat it and then scrub your tile with it !

Friday, February 06, 2015

friday field trip (from the sketchbook).

january 2015
san jose del cabo, mexico 

Thursday, February 05, 2015

bowled over.

i have always been obsessed with bowls, but recently ALL i want to make, draw, or paint are bowls.

this is a new series that i started at the end of 2014.

i’m looking forward to exploring it further.

site by myhreco