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Sunday, January 29, 2012

the truth.

you never know what really goes on in a relationship behind closed doors, but the truth is that CLAY and I are in a BIG FIGHT. i’ve been working on new cups using different clays, slips, and glazes for weeks now. and after many trials and tribulations, test firings, more test firings, tears, tantrums, disappointments, and new supplies, i thought i had finally nailed down the perfect formula for clay + slip + glaze + temperature = nice cup. well, i thought wrong. turns out that what happens in your test kiln is NOT necessarily what happens in your big kiln, and what happens in your big kiln is NOT necessarily what happens in your even bigger kiln.

i know that all of my testing and inconclusive results are just part of the process and nature of this beast we call CLAY, and it really IS part of the adventure and surprise. but, when you actually need functional cups for a real SHOW, it can be maddening and heart breaking. i wish CLAY would just behave the way i WANT him to right now . . . but at this point, all i can do is cross my fingers and close my eyes.



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