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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

new espresso cups in the works.

i’m doing 3 shows next month: the palo alto clay + glass festival, renegade los angeles, and renegade san francisco. kind of crazy, yes (i will be needing a LOT of espresso), but i figured as long as i was making work for one show, why not make a little bit more and turn it into 3 shows ? plus, i intend to take the months of august + september OFF. may was the making month, june will be the glazing month and july will be the selling month. i have a LOT of brand new work for these shows, so stay tuned . . .



  1. Comment by meryl rose — June 4, 2010 @ 11:10 pm

    I'll be at Renegade in SF too! I'll look forward to seeing your booth as I have read your blog for some time now… 🙂

  2. Comment by rae dunn. — June 5, 2010 @ 1:56 am

    meryl, i'll see you at fort mason next month !!

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