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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

2 of my favorite words.

as a potter, i rarely get to use these 2 words in the same sentence . . . “PERFECT FIRING.” but on this special day, when my stars were aligned, i had the most unexpected and most perfect firing. this came as quite a shock to me for numerous reasons:

1. i lovingly call my LARGE kiln, “rusty”. if you met him you would know why. rusty is hanging on for dear life, as, although he is relatively young, he is in need of new elements. my kiln doctor recommended this operation asap. but as i just returned from france, and it is an $800 procedure, i’m holding out a little bit longer. he had been firing ERROR the past few firings, but on this rare day, he fired COMPLETE.

2. the kiln was packed to the gills (there is a lot more work that didn’t even fit into this photo).

3. i tried out some brand new glaze (which was just invented) that i had never used before (it worked !). thanks ben at leslie ceramics.

4. i have 2 big shows this month . . .  ummmm, isn’t that usually when murphy’s law kicks in ?

well, against all odds, i had an absolute perfect firing. perhaps the universe feels my new carefree french attitude. NOTHING is going to knock me off of my france high right now, try as it might (as in, it’s not even worth trying).



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